Morning sickness

Diet and lifestyle

If you have morning sickness, your GP or midwife will initially recommend trying a number of changes to your diet and daily life to reduce your symptoms. These may include:

  • getting plenty of rest – tiredness can make nausea worse
  • eating dry toast or a plain biscuit before you get up
  • sipping water, little and often, rather than in large amounts
  • eating small, frequent meals that are high in carbohydrate (such as bread, rice and pasta) and low in fat
  • avoiding certain smells – eating cold meals rather than hot ones can help
  • avoiding cold, sharp or sweet drinks
  • asking the people close to you for extra support – it helps if someone else can cook
  • distracting yourself – nausea often gets worse the more you think about it
  • wearing loose, comfortable clothes without tight waistbands.