Baby development tracker

Baby development tracker

Week 10

Your baby

The ears are starting to develop on the sides of your baby's head, and inside the head its ear canals are forming.

If you could look at your baby's face you would be able to see its upper lip and two tiny nostrils in the nose. The jawbones are developing and already contain all the future milk teeth.

The heart is now fully-formed. It beats 180 times a minute – that's two to three times faster than your own heart.

The baby is making small, jerky movements which can be seen on an ultrasound scan.


During this time your breasts will have got bigger, so consider wearing a supportive bra. You may also find that your emotions vary – you feel happy one moment and sad the next. Don't worry – these feelings are normal and should settle down.

If you haven't seen your midwife yet, contact your GP or maternity team for your booking appointment and to start your antenatal care. This appointment should take place by the time you are 12 weeks pregnant. You will be offered your first ultrasound scan when you're between eight and 14 weeks pregnant though this can vary depending on where you live.