Baby development tracker

Baby development tracker

Week 12

Your baby

Just 12 weeks after your last period, the foetus is fully formed. All its organs, muscles, limbs and bones are in place, and the sex organs are well developed. From now on, it has to grow and mature.

It's too early for you to be able to feel the baby's movements yet, although it's moving quite a bit.

Your baby's skeleton is made of tissue called cartilage and, around now, this starts to develop into hard bone.


During this time your breasts will have got bigger, so consider wearing a supportive bra. You may also find that your emotions vary – you feel happy one moment and sad the next. Don't worry – these feelings are normal and should settle down.

If you haven't seen your midwife yet, contact your GP or maternity team for your booking appointment and to start your antenatal care. This appointment should take place by the time you are 12 weeks pregnant. You will be offered your first ultrasound scan when you're between eight and 14 weeks pregnant though this can vary depending on where you live.